Tadi aku gatal pegi bukak my fotopages yg suda berkurun tidak pernah......... jangankan update, jenguk pun tidak babe. Bertahun jgk rasanya. So down memory lane la tadi. But... Hey, i found myself more bergaya compare to skrg yg serabai. Seriuosly. I almost forgot how up to date nya aku masa tu. Knp skrg aku rasa mcm sgt hina!!! with all these fat!! urgh!!! i hate this!! X percaya?? mari la tgk
i have this cool hair b4?? wow.
i went to class like this? wow.-hahaha.. masih tidak pandai lukis eyebrow sampai skrg
i look more matured than i do now? pheww.all the pic above was dated jan 2004. dats 5years ago. wow!
Yeah. Time study dulu aku mmg jaga gila my appearence. My hair, my cloth (walaupun murah2) and my shoe. You will never c me pakai tshirt besar. Semua boddy hugging. And that time xda babydoll dress lagik. I sleep pun bergaya ok. I nvr pakai baju tidur yg besar gabak tu. I wore sexy punya baju tidur. X percaya sudah. bukan aku jual barang pun dcni. Every once a week i remember i went to one ahso shop to wash my hair. Cheap only rm10 or rm15 including hair iron.
But i never exercise tho. Mayb busy sangat kejar class until kurus kan. I'm the type yg prefer jalan kaki to hostel ( aku tinggal hostel sampai habis study uuuu) rather than tunggu bus (sbb damn lambat) and prefer to climb the staircase than wait for the lift and berasak asak dlm lift. Sumtimes gedik2 pegi lari2 macam kartun atau main tennis (lebih kepada pukul then pungut bola) d stadium utk tgk abg hensem yg berlatih d sana. Bukan aku minat dia pun. kawan aku. aku teman jak. Sumtimes aku ni mcm 2-3kali sebulan dan 2-3 bulan dlm setahun? hahaha..
Tiba2 teringat waktu aku baru mau buat Intel badge 1yr ago. I met a guy yg dulu kerja hospital time aku training d sana. So aku tegur la dia
Hi. Are you Kumar?
He make blur face. Aku malu suda ni.
Hmm... Kumar. U work in Queen Elizabeth hospital b4.
In Sabah?
I nod. Ya la bah. Habis tu hospital Queen Elizabeth mana lagik yg ada?
I had my training there. In your company
Hmmm? Puzzled.
I remember there's only 2girls ever training ther. It was Dewi Maharani and Cath
Aiyooooo... dats my name la dei.
I am Dewi.
No. U cant be.
He look more confuse. I show him my application form and he look even shock.
Hey... wat happen to u lar??
then tell everybody in the room like
This girl ah last time look so gorgeous... bla bla bla.. (aku x tambah cerita ni. betul la)
I regret tegur dia. Its better for him to have the last memory of me being gorgeous. kan sekarang memory dia suda ada aku yg serabai ni.
Yg paling aku xbole terima ialah..... Bukan la. Aku bukan ckp aku gorgeous dulu la. tp
I am this slim b4????Sometimes aku betul2 hilang keyakinn diri. Mulai skrg akan berkerja utk mendapatkan body d atas.