I'm going to cinema afterwards. To watch "He's just not that into you". Hoyeeeee...... but i hvnt bought ticket pun. Harap2 masih ada belen2 tiket untuk aku. Depan2 screen pun xpa. But please bukan d sebelah couple2. Nanti aku jelous xtentu pasal pulak. Warghhhh!! apa kah hidup ini.
Sorry no update except for the nagging and whining stories bout my job. Betul2 xda cerita. Hidup wa boring sebenarnya. Huhu....
Y benda yg kita plan selalu xjadi? Menyakitkan la. Penat aku berangan angan.. Or Mayb i put my expection too high. Almost perfect. Too good to be true? Daripada tinggi melangit tiba2 jatuh tersembam ke bumi. So from now on, i'll just go with the flow. Persetankan 'fail to plan is plan to fail'. prfgghhhtttttt la!!!
Di akhiri dgn muka tuan tanah yang terkini.