maharanilicious just now.
First, it was a maxi dress and only one piece available now. Grab it!!

Its a 60inch long. Suitable for supertall and the strectable waist makes it nice for extra size person too. Do not worry if you are XL or XXL. This maxi fits u well.
The picture below is my dearest fren SUE from BFT. She's 174cm (if i'm not mistaken )but she surely makes me feel katik to stand beside her. Its quite hard to find maxi dat fit her because she's damn tall. I jelous tau! And maxi she's wearing below have the same cutting as the above maxi. The maxi dat never made it to the
maharanilicous sbb suda kena sambar oleh Sue. In fact she also sambar the purple maxi which i just put on the
maharanilicious. Thanks sue!!
pic credit to suriza_eryna blog. (blog sue la)Back to business.
I also upload this short sleeveless dress. Ya la kan dulu xda org modelkan. Posh pun teragak agak nak beli. So now model tu suda kembali. And satu baju sudah kena reserved oleh sis Eynda. Laju nyer dia.. Thanks sis.
Cantek kan!!! mau tgk lebih p la kedai i!! ;p
The super comel maxi kucing tu pun aku suda update jgk. Sbb the other time aku tepek cni just colour pink kan. Actually ada kaler yellow and gray. Cute ni!!

Actually i have few more tops and short dress to be uploaded. But the model cun photographer cum editor cum the kuli is damn tired. So will continue esok la amik gmbar. Tp sblm itu below are the sneak preview on wat to expect to be in store bila kuli itu kembali rajin.

and this too!!
