Kami suda selamat sampai. Sampai mana??? To those yg ada dlm my frenlist mungkin suda terbaca my current status kan. Yeah peeps... i'm in auckland now. wehhooo.....
When i was at the KLIA, there was an auntie (org putih bah) asked me to bersedia sbb sekarang adalah musim winter d sini. Well.... we are well aware of that. But the truth is auckland xda la sejuk mana pun. Kira kalau aku pakai shorts bole tahan lagik la. Temperature is around 15degree. Temberang kan aku!! hahaha... seriously mcm spring d gold coast jak. Tp kalau malam aku xtau la. Tp itu la purpose nya. Lagi sejuk lagik best. Bole buat aktiviti memanaskan badan. ;p
Menurut pembacaan and kajian aku secara last minute, lagi turun ke south lagi sejuk. Oh yeahhh! we are heading south.
Sekarang c Addy tengah urus the campervan rental. Thank god d opis diorg ni ada wi-fi. Bole la berlagak update status fb. kakakaka...
Btw, i'm not in the mood to take pic now. Rambut melekit. muka selebet segala.. i just cant wait to bath!
oh ya! ada cerita lucu on the flight tadi. When i was in front of the toilet, steward tegur aku
pregnant berapa bulan?
erhmmmm.... 3months (i owez gv this answer anyway)
owh! but nampak mcm besar jer. mungkin twins kan?
ok peeps... enjoy your day. D sini skrg suda 2pm++.