Kenapa adat dan kepelbagaian budaya djadikan alasan??!
I always tought that its fun to learn other custom.
Maybe we cant adopt other's custom but we should always respect them.
Custom is not a religion but custom is the identity to the people.
I always tought that its fun to learn other custom.
Maybe we cant adopt other's custom but we should always respect them.
Custom is not a religion but custom is the identity to the people.
Terribly sedih but enough of serious subject. Lets have a great laugh (walaupun lawak ini sedikit kurang ajar). Cute kan her hijab.
Remind me of something.. but i couldnt figure it out.
Until somebody posted this
Hahahahahahahhahaha... gelak sorg2. Nasib baik dlm bilik. Kalau tidak sah2 kena ckp mereng. Dodo told me the name of dat cute yellowish dino is BJ.
LaQueen: Air mata mengalir. Addy baru call. suruh solat hajat dan istikharah. Terima kaseh syg.