Last week aku pegi Hatyai jugak. ;p Kelam kelibut. Reach home dari plant around 12.00am. I just pack whatever i can grab. Pung pang pung pang... zoooom terus p Kg Baru Sg. Ara sbb bus tunggu sana. I was obviously late. Biasa la rombongan dgn mak aji and pak aji. Janji jam 1.30am pukul 12am diorg suda tunggu. Pergghhh! So dapat la tempat duduk paling belakang dlm bus. Dkelilingi oleh bujang2 tua tahap tok wan. But best jugak lepak dgn diorg ni. Lawak diorg original ok. Xmain la tiru2 lawak Raja lawak yg xlawak tu. Duduk sendiri2.. apa kah hidup ku ini. Duh!! Boring.
Perghh! the officer (officer kah?) is so damn rude. Jerit sana sini. Kalau aku bole paham tu xpa la jugak. Ini melalak dlm bahasa Thai. Mana la org paham. Bila aku tny pun jawab dlm bahasa Thai. Sudah!! Apa dia mau pun aku xtau. last2 dia tarik lengan aku tolak aku pegi depan. WTFish la. Its still morning, so x logic la kalau dia penat kah tensen kah. Tiba2, I'm proud to be malaysian, at least our officer can speak good English and polite. And 1 more thing, they ask for bribe to process (only cop ok) your passport. Xmahal. Only RM1. But its like thousands of ppl d sana shari tau. Kayooooo...
Dulu lain sebelah. Ini sebelah mau terputus pulak. *alasan beli selipar baru. lalalalalalalala*
Actually i want to take Tesco punya gambar. Ha?? tesco ada depan rumah pun xpernah pun ko amik gambar. Knp tmpat org ko jakun sgt ni!! ;p Tp tgk la wiring diorg ni, serabut. hish...
Brunch. teringin pulak makan original Thai tom yam. Yummmy... Kecur air liur!! The menu said Tom Yam Pek Sak. Cantek!!!! Sekali tu dia.......,
Eh! I didnt order this.
Another waitress pulak dtg bawak mknn yg sama. WTFish...
Nope. I didnt order this
Waitress yg amik order aku td tu dtg pulak. Bwak benda yg sama. WTFish!!!
"Tom yam pek sak.. tom yam pek sak" katanya.
What!!! T_T
So tomyam ni pun selamat tawaf satu restoran bg semua ahli rombongan rasa. Sekali lagik aku kena gelak. Attention seeker nya aku rasa!! But not a cheap attention seeker. This WTFish cost me RM50 ok!
Stayed in Sakura New Hotel. I dunno how much. But i saw d check in counter tu tulis 2000Bath. Lebih kurang RM200 la. and they offer 40-50% discount pulak. The hotel is okay. Ada bath tub semua. Ada massage centre jugak dlm hotel ni. Channel tv durg 55 oooo...
Cantik jugak kan ada taik lalat besar atas bibir. Muka belum mandi pagi tp suda lunch. hahaha...
A short visit to Reno. Claimed to sell cheap dry food mcm keropok ikan2, udang sotong kering, cashew nut etc...
4.00pm - Samila beach.
Posing malu2 sbb tidak kenal tukang gambar. Amik pun sekeping jak.
8.00am 12/4/09
I follow my roommate (a makcik and a nenek) to market. Yes!! Market. Where do u expect a makcik and a nenek would love to go? Market la. Pulun udang kering segala. Urgggh!! but i bought few stuff jugak d cni. Superyummy mango, 3baju, 1 tshirt for Addy, my first stilettos (ya.. dr thai seja. beli d pasar pulak tu. Oh sungguh kasihan kamu dewi.) and LV varnish (mind my spelling) tiruan. Huahuahua... They accept Malaysian Ringgit d sini so do not worry if run out of Thai Bath. The rate is much better than the money changer. Here you can get RM1=bath10. Money changer is RM1 = bath9.60

Nah. Ini dia mangga itu. RM2/kilo
11.30am check out. Zoooommm to Danok. They said ada baazar jugak. Perghhhh xda. Ada deretan kedai2 xberapa best jak. Baju pun xda. Baju pantai yg warna warni penuh dgn bunga2 tu byk la. On the 13th diorg ada songkran festival tp ada yg advance celebrate on the 12th. Best jugak. Will bring my husband and kids next time. Angan2.... x hengat!!
2.00pm.. Thai immigration. Time to go home.
I saw the guys beside me fold RM1 kecik2 then selit dlm Passport. Hmmm....
Xda org jeles kan aku pigi Hatyai. Gila xbest la!!!
2.00pm.. Thai immigration. Time to go home.
I saw the guys beside me fold RM1 kecik2 then selit dlm Passport. Hmmm....
Xda org jeles kan aku pigi Hatyai. Gila xbest la!!!