Ada dapat email yg ini???
Dear Friends,
I don’t intend to cause alarm but I think I need to share this witheveryone. Whether this is a hoax or otherwise; as a precaution, may begood to have some warm clothings on hand and be home early on Friday, 20th November 2009.
Rumours are surfacing about a freak winter storm that is expected to hit the Kuala Lumpur city centreon Friday, 20 November 2009 at around7pm.
Being near the equator, KL has never experienced such a cold weatherphenomenon and residents used to the hot and humid weather are warnedto take serious precautions.
Reliable sources think that there are reasons to believe theserumours following some unusual weather-related events that many partsof the world have experienced in recent history..
Those who have never experienced extreme cold weather areadvised to stick close to one another for support. I suggest readingthis article onHow to Survive Being Stranded in Snow and other similar ones you can find easily on the internet.
As I personally know some of these sources, I will send out further notices as we get closer to the anticipated event.
Remember, mark 20 November 2009 in your diaries. In such an occurrence, there is safety in numbers so stay close to one another, especially after office hours!
Stay tuned.
Ko baca kah benda yg aku tepek di atas ni?? Hahaha... rajin ko baca eh. best ooo.. KL esok ada salji! Bole buat ais kepal. Sapa2 xduduk KL tu carik la alasan utk p KL. Salji wooooo. Xperlu ko p oversea. Genting punya xreal la. Ok... Enjoy esok tau!! Tp ini winter storm. baik berhati hati. Sediakan kot sebelum snow!