Kenapa adat dan kepelbagaian budaya djadikan alasan??!
I always tought that its fun to learn other custom.
Maybe we cant adopt other's custom but we should always respect them.
Custom is not a religion but custom is the identity to the people.
I always tought that its fun to learn other custom.
Maybe we cant adopt other's custom but we should always respect them.
Custom is not a religion but custom is the identity to the people.
Terribly sedih but enough of serious subject. Lets have a great laugh (walaupun lawak ini sedikit kurang ajar). Cute kan her hijab.

Remind me of something.. but i couldnt figure it out.
Until somebody posted this

LaQueen: Air mata mengalir. Addy baru call. suruh solat hajat dan istikharah. Terima kaseh syg.